Sunday, 16 February 2014

Jennifer Anderson - transcending most individual portraiture

"Jennifer Anderson combines clear-eyed examination with formidable illusionist skill, producing sensitive, haunting portraits. Within tightly-cropped compositions, illuminated by unsparing mid-winter light, she conveys the real, weighty physicality of her subjects while at the same time hinting at the inaccessibility of their inner lives. Anderson's subjects seem to balance their own reserve, their self-sufficient presence, against the artist's sustained scrutiny. Surfaces - a creased white shirt, scraped-back jet-black hair, or the slope of a cheek bone - are described fluently, the restrained palette emphasizing subtle tonal shifts. These haunting images explore the limits of what we can learn from observation - even observation of those whom we see often and know well - something which gives Anderson's work a universal quality transcending most individual portraiture."
Bunny Smedley, critic and historian

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